Customer Testimonials

Here's what some of our satisfied customers have to say:

"We were referred to Michael Chamblee - Architect by a friend and were extremely pleased with the quality and service received. We would definitely recommend Michael for your architectural project."

Cornerstone Cottages Nashville, Indiana

The Cornerstone Cottages are twelve of the most luxurious, period architecture, bed & breakfast lodgings in Brown County.

Landmark Business Park Bloomington, Indiana

Located west of downtown Bloomington, Landmark Business Park, has six buildings designed by Michael Chamblee.

Where to Find Us:

Michael Chamblee - Architect
1833 Country Club Rd

Nashville, IN 47448

Phone: 812 345-2942



What's New

Extended business hours

To accomodate our customers' busy schedules, we have extended our hours and are now open later.


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